L-Jetronic. The Bosch L-Jetronic (also called AFC=Air Flow Controlled fuel injection) was put into US-spec Type 4s in the last model year (). While new carburated engines were used in the European markets, VW adapted the L-Jetronic for the Type 4 in the US due to more stringent emissions and fuel consumption regulations. manual describes the components and operation of the K-Jetronic fuel injection system in detail. A thorough understanding of the various compo-nents is required before working on K-Jetronic fuel systems. Before trouble-shooting, testing or adjusting the K-Jetronic fuel injection system, the ignition sys-tem and the mechanical system of the. Bosch L-Jetronic Fuel Injection Manual. Volkswagen Type2/Vanagon D-Jetronic Fuel Injection Pro Training Manual.
The Bosch L-Jetronic fuel injection system used in the Porsche E is often referred to as the Air Flow Controlled or AFC fuel injection system. Originally, Volkswagen adapted the L-Jetronic for the Type 4 air cooled engines sold in the United States due to more stringent emissions and fuel consumption regulations. The Bosch L-Jetronic system is used on all U.S. Spec Alfa Romeo GTV6s, Milanos, and Spiders, BMW E12 5 series and various 3 series cars, The Datsun Z and ZX, All U.S. spec fuel injected Fiats. Datsun used a licensed version of the Bosch L-Jetronic fuel injection system. The engine management system on these is primitive compared to modern vehicles. Make sure you find a mechanic who is competent with this fuel injection system as there is no OBD-II to tell you what is wrong.
L-Jetronic ¶. L-Jetronic. The Bosch L-Jetronic (also called AFC=Air Flow Controlled fuel injection) was put into US-spec Type 4s in the last model year (). While new carburated engines were used in the European markets, VW adapted the L-Jetronic for the Type 4 in the US due to more stringent emissions and fuel consumption regulations. Slecluc L us ge ge ph sa. leo ecueoc couJ6e ItouJ 16uJbeLgcrtLe ou tvs JsuJbsLscr1Ls. 0Lq6L bL0csee' BOSCH L-Jetronic Injection www.doorway.ru Author: Crit. Bosch L-jetronic Fuel Injection Troubleshooting, Maintenance Repair. Introduction: i - Table of Contents 38 - Check voltage output to fuel pump @ relay set