Author: iLL In the world of The 7th Guest, consider yourself an active and mysterious entity known only as Ego. Your role, identity and purpose is not shown or explained, but is rather experienced as a seamlessly integral part of the total environment that is the Stauf mansion. * ‘The 7th Guest’ Novel ( pages) * The Original Script ( pages), ‘The Stauf Files’ booklet (20 pages), Original Game Manual (41 pages) - Optional retro settings: play with original graphics, original music and even the original controls (mouse pointer) - Multiple languages (ALL included without additional payment): English voice. 7th-Guest User Manual There is a trend lately to design retro, penguin-book style covers and posters for popular movies and contemporary video games. Here's my take on The 7th Guest, the first popular computer game available on the *new* CD-ROM K.
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