The IC-R3 may receive its own oscillated frequency, resulting in no reception or only noise reception, on some frequencies. The IC-R3 may receive interference from extremely strong signals on different frequencies or when using an external high-gain antenna. qw e r t. This service manual describes the latest service informa-tion for the IC-FR/IC-FR VHF FM REPEATER. To upgrade quality, all electrical or mechanical parts and internal circuits are subject to change without notice or obligation. DANGER USE ONLY the specified AC voltage described on the AC power socket. Other voltages may causes repeater. KBytes. This is all the manuals for Icom. If you want to see manuals from other manufactories you can click on the manufactory menu in the left side. You can also click here to see all the manufactories that have manuals, schematics or other files from.
aus dem Service- Manual ICOM IC, zur Logic IC (46) Ground. Stand Antennen Signal Verlauf. Mikrofon- Kopf X3 MICE [MICROPHONE JACK] MIC BOARD x2 hörer und Taste wzYBT X J32 MMz16C8YBT X3 Ylanschluß R39 K2s KOS PHE APE ELEC-KEY MIC MMZI BT 01 02BT BOARD SR9a DISPLAY-4 v 03M SR9v Displ Strich 3 Punkt2 lay. Icom ic v8-manual alainquintos. Icom h service manual joffco. Icom v68 manual (X3). Q65 is a mode switch and toggles the detecting mode from wide and narrow, controlled by the The amplified signals are passed through the limiter (D72) "DIGI_W" signal from CPU (IC8, pin 81). and another two-stage BPF (D11, D12, D65, L19, L57, C92, C x3 cr smdtb mhz b / model version symbol ic-f14 usa [a] gen [c] usa [d] usa [h] ic-f15 eur [b] ic-f16 rus [e] rus [f] chn [g] rus [p] ic-f14s usa [i] gen [k] usa [l] ic-f15s eur [j] ic-f16s rus [m] rus [n] ic-f chn [o].
Base Model Band/QRG Mode Max P/O Quicknote PDF IC 2 m FM 10 W XTAL IC 23 cm FM/SSB/CW 10 W ATV option ICE 23 cm FM/SSB/CW 10 W ATV option ICA 23 cm FM/SSB/CW 10 W ATV option ICE 23 cm FM/SSB/CW 10 W ATV option IC 2 m FM/SSB/CW 10 W IC 2. Welcome to the Icom America Download Database. Instruction manuals, brochures and other items are available by radio model. IC (6) IC (7) IC (4) IC. The use of the Manuals either for profit or non-profit commercial use. The transfer of any and all photos, illustrations, data etc. in the Manuals. Do not alter in any way the Manuals or any of the contents of this site. Icom Inc. accepts no responsibility for faults and/or damages/losses caused as a result of alterations made by User's.